㈠ 璺奼傘婂弬瀛欍2018騫村厤璐歸珮娓呯櫨搴︿簯璧勬簮,鏉板厠閫娐鋒媺鏂娉㈡仼涓繪紨鐨
閾炬帴: https://pan..com/s/1U7G1xxMhYgqheldGEoxFzw
鎻愬彇鐮: xkn9
銆婂弬瀛 Samson銆
瀵兼紨: Bruce McDonald銆丟abriel Sabloff
緙栧墽: Jason Baumgardner銆丟alen Gilbert銆乀imothy Ratajczak銆乑ach Smith
涓繪紨: 鏉板厠閫娐鋒媺鏂娉㈡仼銆佹瘮鍒┞瘋禐鎮┿乀aylor James銆侀瞾鐗規牸灝斅峰搱灝斻丆aitlin Leahy銆佹灄璧浡風摝鏍肩撼銆丗rances Sholto-Douglas銆丟reg Kriek
綾誨瀷: 鍓ф儏銆佸姩浣
鍒剁墖鍥藉/鍦板尯: 緹庡浗
璇璦: 鑻辮
涓婃槧鏃ユ湡: 2018-02-16(緹庡浗)
鍙堝悕: 鐘瑰お澹甯堝弬瀛
Follows a Jewish boxer sent to Auschwitz who is forced to fight for the entertainment of the Nazi soldiers. But if he loses, he'll be experimented upon.