导航:首页 > 电影资讯 > 你没有看电影多久了?英文翻译


发布时间:2024-07-26 02:54:32

㈠ 我昨天才看了这部电影。翻译成英文

I just saw this film yesterday.
or I have just seen this film yesterday.

㈡ 英文翻译我恐怕没有时间看电影

I may not have time for movie.

㈢ 看电影的片段 一小断台词 请求翻译(汉译英)

We have already enre for several weeks. You didn't see our questions at all till now. If 2 weeks later we still can't see our teacher, we'll call all the people who are concern about this. We have the right to demand our teacher to come back. We can't stand your indifference at all, nor do we hope the thing get worse. We are all not stupid. Please think of the consequences of it: What will happen if 102 persons containing 34 students and 68 parents write"Somebody' a letter together? So please think clearly,my young Lady!



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